Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Power of fMRI

Studies that utilize fMRI scans are very interesting, and not to mention extremely powerful, both in their abilities and results. By far one of the most profound fMRI studies I learned about came from numerous trials throughout Europe and the US. They involved studying psychopaths and trying to find out what made them so dangerous.
            Various clinical psychopaths were put through fMRI scans are compared to more normal criminals. It was found that several brain regions dealing with emotion, especially the amygdala, were far less active in psychopaths than other people during times where emotion should be natural (for example, after seeing scared or sad faces from other people). The research paved the way for our understanding that psychopaths lack empathy and the ability to understand and comprehend social rules and morals.
            The research from fMRI is valuable indeed. I wonder what else it will help us learn about people’s personalities and behaviors in the future.

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