Thursday, October 4, 2012

What Is Emotion?

There are a lot of aspects of humanity that we take for granted. Look at the concept of emotions, for example. It is a key aspect of humanity, and everyone knows about them. Yet nobody can sit down and truly describe what emotions are. How are we so uncertain about such an integral part of our lives and our own selves?
            I don’t think I will be doing the definition of emotions justice, but I will nonetheless try to explain my own interpretation. I believe emotions refer to any form of communication or idea that allow us to put forth our feelings. We use emotions to express our feelings to other people and ourselves. It is a crucial to our language, and it helps separate us, and to a lesser extent other animals, from other forms of life. We are not just living things that act and then die; we have the ability to think and reflect on our world. In fact, having a good reflection of our lives is one of the most crucial steps towards true happiness. With that in mind, we must use this understanding in the best way possible: towards the creation of a much more healthy and humane world than what we see today.

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting that the medication had perpetuated his problem with ADHD to escalating itself. Sometimes the best approach to such problems is letting them fix themselves naturally. That being said, I actually recall having a friend that had a similar experience with ADHD and it's medication, however, his problem had involved the medication altering his personality so drastically that it had seemed to slip him into depression and therefore he had stopped taking the medication and eventually was able to fix his problems with ADHD through counseling and other natural (non-medicated) approaches.
