Thursday, November 15, 2012

Alone With A Cat: An Amazing Social Interaction

I have had a long history of good relationships with dogs (even though I was afraid of them as a little kid) and I am very happy to say I have several of my own. My most interesting social interaction up to this point, however, has been with a cat. This is not to say my experiences with dogs were not interesting; it’s just that the bond between them and me was natural and expected. Cats, meanwhile, always seemed mysterious to me.
This summer, I spent a few nights at my uncle’s house. When I arrived, he told me that he was taking care of the cat of a friend of his for a few days. Feeling unsure of what to do, I decided to avoid the cat for the time being.
Later that night, as I was using my laptop on my (temporary) bed, who should walk in but the cat! Her name was Ginger, and she was lovely. I made sure to remain at east and reassuring to her, and gently said hello. Almost immediately, Ginger jumped up onto the bed and starting rubbing her head, whiskers, and tail against my back and hips. She let me pet her on her head and scratch behind her ears and neck. After mere minutes, she was lying down and letting me rub her tummy; I had a new friend! She kept me a lot of company for the remainder of my stay. She seemed quite sad when I had to go.
It is fascinating to have bonds with animals. They really are full of surprises, and that adds to why they are and should be a key aspect of a human being’s life.

(Note: Above picture is random. I can't post pictures of Ginger... for obvious reasons.)

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